Privacy Policy

This document entails the privacy policy and agreement that you accept when adding Conversions Bot to your server, or as a member of any server in which Conversions Bot is present.

This Privacy Policy is liable to change as new functionality is added to Conversions Bot. The Privacy Policy was last updated May 29th 2021

Applicable Applications

This policy applies to the following Discord Applications:

  • Discord Application 720008766816256121 - Slash Command Functionality
  • Conversions Bot#9165/Discord user 720008766816256121 - Public Bot (Legacy Version)
  • Conversions Bot - Development#6807/Discord user 720106453725085746 - Non-Public Testing Bot (Legacy Version)
  • This policy applies to the following Websites:

  • Conversions Bot Official Website -
  • Data Collected Automatically

    From Commands

    Information Linked to a Guild:

  • Guild ID
  • Guild Settings
  • If you use the slash command version of Conversions Bot (You invited Conversions Bot to your Guild after May 84309857830956834094658th 2021), no data linked to a guild is collected.

    If you use the legacy version of Conversions Bot (You invited Conversions Bot to your Guild before June 1st 2021), a database entry is created that contains the ID of the Guild you invited Conversions Bot to, and the settings you have configured Conversions Bot to use for that Guild.

    Information Not Linked to You or a Guild:

  • Usage Information
  • When you run a command, Conversions Bot records which command or sub-command has been used. This is used to increment a tally of how many times a certain command or sub-command has been used.

  • Command Information
  • When you use a slash command, Conversions Bot records which units are being used and the interactiod ID that these units correspond to. This information is wiped once the interaction (command) is complete.

    Conversions Bot does not collect any Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

    Data Sharing

    The following data is shared with members of the same guild where the command is run when the !convert settings command is used in the legacy version of Conversions Bot:

  • Guild Settings
  • Outside of this functionality, data is never shared with anyone besides the developer of Conversion Bot, Flizzy#6123.

    Data Storage and Protection Measures

    All user data is stored on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) provided by OVH and hosted in Canada. The only parties with access to this server are OVH and the developer of Conversions Bot, Flizzy#6123. Security measures such as SSH Key Authentication are taken to protect access to this server.

    Opting out of Data Collection

    If you use the legacy version of Conversions Bot (You invited Conversions Bot to your Guild before June 1st 2021), you can opt-out of data collection linked to your guild by kicking Conversions Bot from your server. Once this is done, all data associated with your guild is deleted.

    To opt-out of data collection not linked to you or a guild, do not use Conversions Bot.

    Requesting Data from a Guild You Own

    To request your data, please join the Conversions Bot Support Discord and direct message Flizzy#6123 asking for a download of all data linked to a guild you own. Please include proof of guild ownership.

    Deleting Data Linked to Your Guild

    To delete data from a guild you own, kick Conversions Bot from your server, and all data linked to your guild will be deleted.

    Created by Flizzy#6123.